Beekeeping Workshops
Each year, we provide workshops for Year 1, Year 2 and advance beekeepers. It is a great opportunity to learn factual and research-based practices, walk away with workbooks and reliable information, tools and credible connections in the beekeeping community.
Learn MoreAPHIS Honey Bee Health Surveys
APHIS Honey Bee Health Surveys: free honey bee health inspections through the USDA APHIS program. Hive inspections and samples are collected to obtain information on Varroa mite counts, Vairimorpha (formerly Nosema) infection, pesticides in pollen or wax, and viral loads for the apiary.
Learn MoreRegional Great Plains Master Beekeeping Training Program
The GPMB program is a collaborative effort between THE Bee Lab and numerous local beekeeping groups and associations in the region to provide relevant online lectures and resources that help beekeepers of all experience levels thrive in our region. The open teaching apiaries established through GPMB provide additional hands-on learning opportunities and allows for flexible training and Q & A sessions which can address seasonal or climatic challenges throughout the year.
Learn MoreClassroom & Informal Outreach Education Support
Classes, organizations, and groups may request tabling materials to supplement their event or instructional lectures and demonstrations with live bees (either in an observation hive or with an exploratory experience in the beeyard), wild bees, and honey extraction & tasting, educational interactive activities/games, and so much more.
Learn More and Request Outreach EducatorsHive Health Inspections & Consultations
The Bee Lab offers hive health inspections and personalized on-site consultations for more diagnostic support and to help troubleshoot problems with your hives.
Learn MoreBee Health Research & Mentorship
The Bee Lab conducts student-led research to examine a wide range of bee stressors, from environmental challenges (i.e. poor habitat, pesticide exposure) to biotic factors such as pests and pathogens, that impact both managed and wild bee populations. Undergraduate and graduate students work to better understand these factors and develop solutions to address the issues threatening bee health.
View Research ProjectsOrder Honey Products
We sell honey extracted locally from our teaching and pollination hives. Products, including liquid gold, specialty honey, and comb honey, are available in many sizes and options to suit your needs. All proceeds from honey sales go toward supporting undergraduate and graduate research projects and professional development opportunities. We appreciate your support and thank you for helping us make a difference!
Have Questions?
We are here to help you, help pollinators! We have so many informative resources from value-added products, hive management, recommended native food sources to plant for bees and more. Fill out the form below with your contact information and question, or call us at 402-472-8378.