Dr. Autumn H. Smart

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Dr. Autumn H. Smart

Research Assistant Professor Entomology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


ENTO 215
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
402-472-0353 On-campus 2-0353

Focus Areas: Insect Ecology, Plant-Pollinator interactions, Pollinator Health

Dr. Autumn Smart studies biotic and abiotic stressors on pollinator health and productivity.  She teaches ENTO 806 Insect Ecology and ENTO 109 Honey Bee Biology and Beekeeping. 

Major research focus on the impacts of land use, habitat, nutritional resources and other biotic and abiotic stressors on pollinator health and productivity. Specific areas of interest include understanding the spatiotemporal utilization of forage resources by pollinators in the context of varying habitat conditions and resulting impacts on health and ecosystem service delivery across biologically-relevant levels of analysis (e.g. community, population, apiary, colony, individual).


  • B.A. in Environmental, Population, and Organismal Biology, University of Colorado, 2005
  • B.A. in Anthropology, University of Colorado, 2005
  • M.S. in Entomology, Washington State University, 2010
  • Ph.D. in Entomology, University of Minnesota, 2015


  • Quinlan G, Milbrath M, Otto C, Smart A, Iwanowicz D, Cornman RS, Isaacs R. 2021. Honey bee foraged pollen reveals temporal changes in pollen protein content and changes in forager choice for abundant versus high protein flowers. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment. 322: 107645.
  • Smart AH, Otto CRV, Gallant A. 2021. Landscape characterization of floral resources for pollinators in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States. Biol. Conserv. 30(7): 1991-2015.
  • Otto C, Smart A, Cornman RS, Simanonok M, Iwanowicz DD. 2020. Forage and habitat for pollinators in the northern Great Plains – Implications for U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report, 64 p. https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20201037.
  • Iwanowicz DD, Wu-Smart JY, Olgun T, Smart AH, Otto CRV, Lopez D, Evans JD, Cornman R. 2020. An updated genetic marker for detection of Lake Sinai Virus and metagenetic applications. PeerJ 8:e9424, https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9424.
  • Simanonok MP, Otto CR, Smart AH. 2020. Do the Quality and Quantity of Honey Bee-Collected Pollen Vary Across an Agricultural Land-Use Gradient?. Environmental Entomology, 49(1): 189-196.
  • DeGrandi-Hoffman G, Graham H, Ahumada F, Smart M, Ziolkowski N. 2019. The Economics of Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Management and Overwintering Strategies for Colonies Used to Pollinate Almonds. Journal of Economic Entomology, 112(6): 2524-2533.
  • Smart MD, Otto CR, Lundgren JG. 2019. Nutritional status of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) workers across an agricultural land-use gradient. Scientific Reports, 9(1): 1-10.
  • Evans E, Smart MD, Cariveau D, Spivak MS. 2018. Wild, native bees and managed honey bees benefit from similar agricultural land uses. Agric. Ecosys., Environ. 268: 162-170.
  • Smart MD, Otto CRV, Carlson BL, Roth CL. 2018b. The influence of spatiotemporally decoupled land use on honey bee colony health and pollination service delivery. Environ. Res. Lett. 13(8): 1-11.
  • Otto CRV, Gallant A, Hyberg S, Iovanna R, Smart, MD, Carlson, B, Zheng, H. 2018. Past role and future outlook of the Conservation Reserve Program for supporting honey bees in the Great Plains. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115(29): 7629-7634.
  • Smart MD, Cornman RS, Iwanowicz DD, Otto CRV. 2018a. Using colony monitoring devices to evaluate the impacts of land use and forage quality on honey bee health. Agriculture 8(1): 2.
  • Spivak MS, Goblirsch M, Lee K, Wu-Smart JY, Smart MD, Otto CRV, Browning Z. 2017. Why does bee health matter? The science surrounding honey bee health concerns and what we can do about it. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) Commentary QTA2017-1, June 2017.
  • Otto CRV, RB Bryant, NH Euliss Jr., S O’Dell, R Bush, MD Smart. 2017 Using publicly available data to quantify plant-pollinator interactions and evaluate conservation seeding mixes in the Northern Great Plains. Environ. Entomol. 46(3): 565-578.
  • Smart MD, Cornman RS, Iwanowicz DD, Pettis JS, McDermott-Kubeszko M, Spivak MS, Otto CRV. 2017. A comparison of honey bee-collected pollen from working agricultural lands using light microscopy and ITS metabarcoding. Environ. Entomol. 46(1): 38-49.
  • Otto CRV, Roth CL, Carlson BL, Smart MD. 2016. Land-use change reduces habitat suitability for supporting managed honey bee colonies in the Northern Great Plains. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113(37): 10430-10435.
  • Tipping PW, Martin MR, Nimmo KR, Smart MD, Wear EW. 2016. Food web associations among generalist predators and biological control agents of Melaleuca quinquinervia. Biol. Cont. 101: 52-58.
  • Smart MD, Pettis JS, Rice ND, Browning Z, and Spivak MS. 2016. Linking measures of colony and individual honey bee health to survival among apiaries exposed to varying agricultural land use. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0152685.
  • Smart MD, Pettis JS, Euliss N, Spivak MS. 2016. Land use in the Northern Great Plains region of the U.S. influences the survival and productivity of honey bee colonies. Agric., Ecosys. Environ. 230: 139-149.
  • Tipping PW, Martin MR, Hulslander Jr WJ, Madeira PT, Pierce RM, Smart MD, Center TD. 2013. Release and evaluation of Cyrtobagus salviniae on common salvinia in southern Louisiana. J. Aquat. Plant Manage. 51: 34-38.
  • Wu JY, Smart MD, Anelli CM, Sheppard WS. 2012. Honey bees (Apis mellifera) reared in brood combs containing high levels of pesticide residues exhibit increased susceptibility to Nosema (Microsporidia) infection. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 109(3): 326-329.
  • Smart MD, Sheppard WS. 2011. Nosema ceranae in age cohorts of the western honey bee. J. Invertebr. Pathol. doi:10.1016/j.jip.2011.09.009
  • Tipping PW, Martin MR, Nimmo KR, Pierce RM, Smart MD, White E, Madeira P, Center TD. 2009. Invasion of a West Everglades wetland by Melaleuca quinquenervia countered by classical biological control. Biol. Cont. 48(1): 73-78.