The Great Plains Master Beekeeper (GPMB) program was launched by the UNL Bee Lab in April 2019 and is funded through the USDA-NIFA Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program (Project # NEBN-28-501). Through updated online courses and hands-on apiary training, GPMB seeks to improve colony health and support economic sustainability for beekeeper across the Great Plains and Midwest.
Program Highlights:
- Enrollment: As of Oct 2024, GPMB has 4219 enrolled members and an estimated ~2700+ members with active accounts (i.e. viewing modules & taking exams) all across the US, however, the majority of GPMB members are from the Midwest, including Nebraska (654), Missouri (485), Iowa (383), Kansas (246). In collaboration with local beekeeping groups and associations.
- • GPMB participant feedback: 80.2% of survey respondents (n=177) reported that participating in GPMB has personally benefited them, including observed improvements to their bee’s health (36%), better networking with other beekeepers (25%), increased knowledge and confidence (13%), and expanding their businesses (6%),
- • GPMB community: Through partnerships with the local beekeeping associations, GPMB has helped establish 29 teaching apiaries across 8 states and in 2024, we had over 1,325 beekeepers attend these sessions.
Anyone can join! Visit the Great Plains Master Beekeeping Training Program website to check out available online courses and teaching apiary site map and learn how to become a member or certified program.
Visit the Great Plains Master Beekeeping Training Program Website